Ibsley and district Horticultural Society
A friendly Garden Club
Our club offers monthly talks, an annual show, plant sale and many garden visits through the year. You are welcome to get involved as much as suits you. Some people just come along to the occasional evening talk others get more involved and engage with other members and enjoy the more social side it is up to you.
Anyone is welcome, the club is open to gardeners and non-gardeners and you can come along from anywhere. Membership is just £10 per year. You can come along as a visitor for just £2 per evening.
You can view our talks and outings programme here
Monthly talks on a Thursday evening 2024 Programme
Social events
Visits to notable gardens
Annual village show every September
Flowers and Veg competition at every talk
Plant sale every Spring
Next meeting - Feb 27th 2pm.
Our February meeting is another afternoon one. Come and hear about the wonderful garden at Russell Cotes Bournemouth.
How to join the club
A simple way to join is to come along to one of our Thursday evening meetings and you can join there and then. Please bring cash or a cheque, we can't take card payments just yet. Alternatively you can join using Bank transfer, details below.
Your new membership cards for 2025 are ready and you can pay and collect your card at the meeting or should you prefer, we are offering alternatives. The cost this year is £12 per person and can be paid by online banking using the following details:
Account Name: Ibsley and District Horticultural Society
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account number: 42436068
Please put your surname in the reference box