Ibsley and district Horticultural Society

A friendly Garden Club

Our club offers monthly talks, an annual show, plant sale and many garden visits through the year. You are welcome to get involved as much as suits you. Some people just come along to the occasional evening talk others get more involved and engage with other members and enjoy the more social side it is up to you.

Anyone is welcome, the club is open to gardeners and non-gardeners  and you can come along from anywhere. Membership is just £10 per year. You can come along as a visitor for just £2 per evening.
You can view our talks and outings programme here

Monthly talks on a Thursday evening 2024 Programme

Social events

Visits to notable gardens

Annual village show every September

Flowers and Veg competition at every talk

Plant sale every Spring

Trip to Wisley 14th Sept. 2024

Our big day out! 

We’re going to RHS Wisley on Saturday 14 September. It’s time to sign up for a place on the coach.     ____________________________________________ 

The flagship of the Royal Horticultural Society, Wisley is one of the great gardens of the world. We will see such highlights as the celebrated 128m long and 6m wide Mixed Borders, the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden with its 4,000 roses and 5,000 shrubs, the famous Rock Garden, and the £7.7million Glasshouse opened by the late Queen in 2007 covering an area equivalent to 10 tennis courts and built to celebrate the RHS’s 200th anniversary. 


We have a 53-seat coach booked to take us there and back and to make the trip viable we must fill it. So, ask your friends or family members to join you and let’s have a wonderful day out.  

The cost will be a fantastically reasonable £15 for members and £20 for non-members. 

To book your seat please email me on vicky.coral@hotmail.co.uk or phone 07773292002. 

Payment please by cash or cheque (payable to IDHS) and handed to Roger Coral tonight, at our next meeting on 25 July, or by BACs to the IDHS Account No.42436068. Sort Code 30-96-26. 

We will be opening up this offer to the wider community after our next meeting so reserve your place asap! 

Next talk - 25th July 2024

Our next evening talk will be by Maria Tidy from Cherry Tree Nursery.

July 25th  7:30 pm  - 2024 at Ibsley Village Hall BH24 3NL

Note: This is an evening meeting     What three words: ///driveway.parsnips.decompose

Garden visit - 12th June 2024

Visit to Roche Court Sculpture Park, Gallery and Gardens.

Roche Court, East Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 1BG

A sculpture park set in glorious gardens and surrounded by beautiful Wiltshire countryside. The 18century house was built for Lord Nelson and is the home of Lady Madeleine Bessborough, the grand dame of British sculpture. Roche Court is the culmination of 60 years work. It is a beautiful setting for the sumptuous gardens and our visit is timed to take full advantage of her passion for English roses amongst other plants shrubs and majestic trees. 

We will meet outside the front entrance at 11am and have an introductory tour and later, light refreshments. There are many sculptures set in the grounds and galleries to wander around.

The cost per person is £15. If you would like to come please contact Vicky via email: vicky.coral@hotmail.co.uk, telephone 01425 472034 or fill in the form that will be available at the next two meetings. If you need a lift please also let Vicky know so this can be arranged.

Download the Booking Form

How to join the club

A simple way to join is to come along to one of our Thursday evening meetings and you can join there and then. Please bring cash or a cheque, we can't take card payments just yet. Alternatively you can join using Bank transfer, details below.

Your new membership cards for 2024 are ready and you can pay and collect your card at the meeting or should you prefer, we are offering alternatives. The cost this year is £10 per person and can be paid by online banking using the following details:

Account Name: Ibsley and District Horticultural Society

Sort Code: 30-96-26

Account number: 42436068

Please put your surname in the reference box
